Why are some people 10x - or even 100x - more confident, more successful and more competent in speaking Arabic?

What do they know that you don't?

I've asked thousands of Arabic learners what their biggest fears are and here's what they've told me:

“I really want this, but I’m struggling to keep myself motivated”

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing”

“I dont know how to organise my learning”

“Im afraid of making mistakes”

Do you Identify with Any of these comments?

I Know, I did for sure

Hi! Im Jameela Ahmed

Founder of Arabic For Beginners.

For more than 6 years, I’ve been helping countless people like you learn Arabic and build confidence without wasting countless hours searching for the best course.

I didn't start this way. I tried many courses. This left me overwhelmed and at times, demotivated. I didn't think I'd reach the level of fluency that I was aiming for.

Until I finally started learning better...and started doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what every “language expert” tells you to do.

And now, in my 20s, I am fluent in Modern Standard Arabic (Fus_ha) and can speak the Egyptian dialect like a native. I can help you achieve the same results.

Let's be honest with ourselves.

It's not just about heritage. (I started learning Arabic from the age of 8, and I forgot everything by the time I was 11)

It's not about time, we all have 24 hours in a day.

It's not just about intelligence. There are tons of intelligent people..who are not successful, and tons of ordinary people who are masters of Arabic.

And it's not just resources.We like to think "Oh, she studied in Egypt," but deep down, we know that while resources matter, there are plenty of people who have learnt Arabic without travelling to the Middle East.

Do you want to:

  • have a system that you can use to go from not knowing the Arabic alphabet, to reading it fluently withing a week?

  • Travel to the Arabic-speaking world with family and friends

  • Make Amazing new friends with people from other countries

  • Eliminate your fear of learning Arabic

  • Overcome the struggle of getting motivated to learn

If that sounds like what you want, I've written this beginners ebook for you.

It's a simple Learning Systems Delivered To Your Smart Phone, Tablet or Desktop

If you’re making zero progress..If you’re constantly feeling frustrated...If you’re losing motivation and are uncertain..

This is the ebook that will give you a proven framework that can change how you approach learning Arabic. Each part focuses on a key area:

Chapter 1: Barriers to learning
The problem with conventional learning advice that keeps many of us frustrated

Chapter 2: Modes of learning
How letting your brain wander can help your learning.

Chapter 3: Recall for beginners
How to improve your memorisation without getting overwhelmed or confused

Chapter 4: The House Building Technique
How you can stand out from the crowd by learning how each concept fits into the bigger picture

Chapter 5: Over-learning
The challenges with study-groups and how to make learning simple and painless

Given the choice to describe the ebook I'd go with what my readers have picked for me

"For me, The Complete Beginners Guide to Learning Arabic stands out in providing a clear, systematic way of learning Arabic. The ideas in the E-book can be transferred to other areas. Highly recommend!"

"Awesome, simple to understand and effective learning system"

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this suitable for beginners? Yes, this is for beginners
Does this cost money? No, its free
What qualifications do you have?BA in History & Arabic, Azhar graduate, and teacher for 6 years
How do I access the book? You can download the E-book after you enter your email
I have read the E-book, now what?We will be releasing further E-books for Arabic learners. Stay tuned

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